Alpinisme / Mountaineering



Je pratique la montagne depuis l'age de 4ans. Concernant l'alpinisme, j'ai fait de nombreux stages UCPA et CAF qui m'ont menés a l'autonomie petit a petit. Je pratique en général assez regulierement mais l'apogé a été l'été 2002 ou j'ai pu réaliser de grands sommets (pour mon niveau) en autonomie totale en temps que 1er de cordée.

My mountaineering practice is quite good as it started a long time ago through training sessions at UCPA and CAF. I am now autonome and climb famous summits in summer 2002.



For those who do not know anything about France (a small coutry in wertern Europe), the range between France and Spain is called 'Les Pyrenees'. The Nord side (France) is rather flat while the South remains hilly. The range is roughtly 200 km wide and the highest peak soars above 3400m (Aneto).

The most beautiful part is to my mind the middle west part around the Gavarnie area (Cirque de Gavarnie, Cirque de Troumouse, Cirque d'Estaube, Mt Perdu (Spain), Ordessa canyon) and the Neouvielle area (Pyrenees National Parc, Pic du Midi, Neouvielle). Of course, many other parts are also worth to see.

I did quite a lot of walks and mountaineering in these parts. Voici un apercu de ce que j'ai pu faire dans les Pyrénées.

View from The Vignemale
Le Vignemale
From Mont Vignemale (3398m), the highest peak in the French Pyrénées on a sunny day looking West.

Walking & climbing


Quelques uns des sommets que j'ai pu grimper en autonomie...

So far I did some summits in the Chamonix Valley and in the Vanoise national Park. Next step is to climb the most famous '4000' in the Alps. If you have such ideas in mind and looking for a mountain partner, drop some lines in my mail box...


Click for a very large image
Les Grandes Jorasses
View of les Grandes Jorasses and the white valley, near Chamonix.

Walking & climbing

Walking & climbing



Autres activités hivernales /
Winter ski and activities



Rapport complet sur:
A complete report on:

Mon trek au Karakorum/
My trek in the Karakorum


Idées d'itineraires et cartes:
No idea where to go:

Cartes et itineraires en Himalaya/
Itineraries in Himalaya

[This area is a detailled area]

  • Parapente / Paragliding



Tous mes vols, photos et topos sur:
Flights, pictures &complete reports on:



Video Parapente
Mon site dédié specialement àmes videos de parapente:
All my videos in paragliding:

Siou Pictures Video Parapente

[This area is a detailled area]

Last update: 19-01-2007